All of our services are designed around your company needs. Businesses that do not have an effective Health & Safety Management System in place generally spend more on dealing with problems that could have been avoided.
A good safety management system should comprise of:
A Health & Safety policy document, including a policy statement with organisational responsibilities and risk control arrangements. The management system should be reviewed and updated annually
to reflect changes in legislation and best practice.
Our consultants have the experience to carry out a range of services from Risk Assessments to Site Inspections that are required by Health & Safety Regulations.
We can take the pressure off you and assit with all you Safety needs, these include:
Accident Reporting
Accredited First aid at Work courses
Auditing and Inspections
COSHH (Control Of Substance Hazardous to Health)
Emergency Evacuation Plans
External workplace and site inspections
Fire Safety Procedures
Fire Safety Risk Assessments
Fire Warden / Marshal training
Health & Safety Policies
Health, Safety & Welfare advice and training
Method Statements
Permits To Work
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations)
Provision of a Competant Person*(See note below)
RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangers Occurrences)
Prohibition/Improvement etc. Notices Development and Correction
Risk Assessments implementation and reviews, including:
Office Safety
Display Screen Assessments
New & Expectant Mother Assessments
COSHH Risk Assessment
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Safe Working Practices
Writing or review of your Safety Management System
24 hour help line
Working with you we will design a workable timetable for the implementation of your Safety Management Plan and other documentation.
How will we achieve this?
Stage 1 - Gathering of Information: We will visit the workplace to gather information to carry out a general
health, safety and fire risk assessment and to produce a Health & Safety Policy specific to your needs with comprehensive procedures and record keeping folders. These also include templates
rangijng from PUWER Registers to Induction Records.
Stage 2 - Implementation: We will deliver the risk assessment reports and the policy and will then provide
training in the use of the management system and an overview of the significant findings of the risk assessments.
Stage 3 - Regular / Scheduled updates: We will automatically update your Health & Safety management system
annually to reflect changes in Health & Safety legislation or improvements in guidance or best practice.
Stage 4 - Continuity: Continuity visits will review and update your risk assessments annually to recognise
improvements to the management arrangements or changes to the risk profile of the business. Additional visits may be provided where the consultant will carry out a workplace inspection and face to
face advice can be given.
Stage 5 - Support - On-Going Support: You will be allocated a consultant to act as the main point of contact to
ensure continuity and to offer free telephone or e-mail support.
*Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires employers to appoint a competent persons to assist them in managing health and safety. We can act as your competent person or retained manager to assist you in managing and controlling your health and safety responsibilities.
Our Retained Management Service is aimed at providing SME's and if required, larger companies with sensible cost effective assistance in managing all workplace risk. You can choose from a range of competencies including, but not limited to:
•General Health and Safety advice and Training
•Fire and Life Safety advice and Training
•Disability Discrimination and Accessibility advice
Every commercial premises with over 5 members of staff, must have a competent person. The role of the competent person is to give accurate technical advice to allow the company to fulfill its duties regarding health and safety and hiring a full time health and safety professional can be expensive.
We can act as your Competent Person helping you to manage your health and safety responsibilities on an on-going basis. These services will be tailored to meet your specific needs. In essence we will assist you in managing health and safety as a whole.